3D Ultimate uses the most advanced technology available, and the services we offer are always effective. From fat reduction treatments to skin tightening treatments, cellulite removal is one of the main treatments we offer.
Cellulite Removal
This treatment is made effective by a variety of none-invasive treatments such as 3D Shockwave, 3D Body RF, 3D Cryofuse. These three work together to create smooth, tight skin with a reduced appearance of cellulite. With great results, these Cellulite Removal treatments have long-lasting effects allowing you to live peacefully knowing your body is looks as great as possible.
3D ultimate aims to create the best results and when it comes to the treatments we offer, which is why we also offer a brilliant Professional Aftercare service. This service can be tailored to your lifestyle, meaning that we can fit bespoke exercise routines and meals plans in with your busy schedule as well as offing Pilates and Sports massages to help you feel your best in your body.
Bespoke Treatments
The bespoke treatments services are where we tailor treatments to your exact needs/ requirements so you can benefit exactly how you want to and get the results you crave. This can come with professional aftercare, or it can simply be the treatments themselves.
If you have any questions you need answering about the treatments we offer please feel free to get in touch through our email or telephone: info@3d-ultimate.co.uk/ 0115 822 4836. We can’t wait to hear from you.