What is cellulite?
Before we dive into what cellulite treatment is best for you, it’s good to get a good understanding of what it is and why it’s even there in the first instance. Cellulite is dimpled-looking skin that is all to common in the thigh/upper leg region. It forms when fat tissues develop on top of one another and pushes up against connective tissue. Once there’s enough of a build up, the wrinkled, dimpled skin begins to form.
Who has cellulite and what causes it?
It’s estimated that over 85% of women above the age of 21 have some form of cellulite. In men, however, it isn’t as common. Cellulite forms in areas that have more fatty tissue like your thighs. There are a number of reasons why these occur and these can be found below but are not limited to.
- Your age
- Your estrogen levels
- Your family history
- Tissue inflammation
- Increased fatty tissue
- Your weight and weight gain
- Loss of collagen
- How poor your circulation is (Very common in legs)
There is nothing wrong with having cellulite medically, but if you wish to reduce its appearance, cellulite treatment is definitely worth considering.
Cellulite treatment for those stubborn areas
There are a number of home techniques and exercises and remedies you can use but sometimes that doesn’t do the job and simply isn’t enough. Cellulite treatment alongside a good diet and healthy lifestyle however can really live up to the hype and dramatically reduce the appearance of cellulite. There are no ways to prevent cellulite but changing your lifestyle is a good place to start. By becoming more active, you’re helping factors like poor circulation and inflammation. This doesn’t have to be anything drastic but consistent and light exercise like walking or jogging can really help your cellulite treatment to last even longer. It’s cliché, but you are what you eat. If you consume a diet that is high in processed fats, your body is more likely to retain those fats and store them. However, combine a healthier diet, light exercise and your cellulite reduction treatments, you’re guaranteed to see less dimpled-looking skin and get a firmer, smoother appearance.
Non-Invasive Cellulite Removal Nottingham
A singular cellulite removal treatment at 3D Ultimate in Nottingham isn’t going to get rid of cellulite in a click of a finger (or in a treatment in this instance). However, one of our most popular offerings at 3D Ultimate is cellulite removal. Cellulite is a common problem that is extremely difficult to eliminate alone. We utilise the latest medical grade technologies to reduce the appearance of cellulite: 3D shockwave, 3D body RF and 3D cryofuse.
These brilliant and revolutionary treatments can in unison together and individually to create flawless, cellulite-free results. More than one problematic area or only focus on one area? No problem. You just choose your treatments based on the area of the body or results you are after, and our cellulite removal treatments do the rest.